What is ”Join us! frontier”? 何のブログなの?


Hello! Today, I’m going to introduce you to the meaning of the name of this blog,”Join us! frontier” and what I plan to write about.

こんにちは。今日は「Join us! frontier」というブログ名の意味と、僕がこの記事で何を書くつもりなのかを紹介させていただきます。

The main reason I decided on the blog name “Join us! frontier” is that it aims to arouse the curiosity and frontier spirit that everyone has in their hearts but finds it difficult to face them honestly.

”Join us! frontier” というブログ名に決めた1番の理由は、「一緒に!フロンティア」という響きが、なんかとても心地よかったからです。

In this blog, I would like to show you informations on traveling and delicious restaurants in japan, and services and products that can stimulate frontier desires such as wanting to see, feel, travel, and so on from my own experience traveling around Japan.


I will challenge myself and enjoy it.



